Today is my first day back at work following the Christmas break. Like most people, I really try to escape from work over the festivities and only be ‘on call’ for business related emergencies. It’s family time after all, and with 3 and 5 year olds to entertain, it’s all Elsa, Mia and Spiderman, bows and arrows and Nerf guns from sunrise to sunset. It’s the best distraction ever.
But despite escaping the issues of water scarcity for a week, the ‘real world’ is never too far away. News of Syria, Iraq, refugee’s, bombings and political upheaval invades our festive bubble daily.
I happened to be listening to a Radio 4 broadcast called ‘The Boat Children’ by Hashi Mohamed yesterday – which really brought to mind how ‘unbalanced’ the world is. Here are children travelling, unaccompanied, thousands of miles, at the mercy of people smugglers to escape persecution in their own countries, while my kids are gently waging war over who’s turn it is with whatever gift Granny bestowed upon one of them.
We live privileged lives here in the West and whilst I wouldn’t want to swop that for myself or my family, it does make me want to get back to work and start making an impact on people thousands of miles from us who live without access to clean water or adequate sanitation.
In our first team meeting of the year at 10.30am this morning, we laid down a gauntlet to give away another £1.5m this year.
Now that’s the kind of gift I really like to give.