Eveline operates a milk vending business in Githogoro, an informal settlement in Nairobi, Kenya. Until recently, Eveline depended on informal water vendors or unreliable water points for water. These would often be closed without warning, forcing her to fetch water from other sources which were very far from her shop.
Her business requires at least 10 jerry cans of water a day for the cleaning of the dispensing machine and containers. This was costing Eveline 100 Kenyan Shillings (Kes) per day, which for a small business like Eveline’s was very expensive.
As one of the beneficiaries of the newly pre-paid water dispensers installed in Githogoro, Eveline now has access to a reliable affordable clean water supply, which is crucial to the success of her business.
“Since I started using the pre-paid water dispensers, my business is able to save about Kes 1500 per month. This has helped me increase the stock for my shop and I am able to sell other things in addition to milk. The water is just across the street from my shop, it’s treated and I do not fear contaminating my milk equipment.”
“With just Kes 20, I have a whole week’s supply of water and previously this was not even enough for one day!”
The One Foundation‘s vision is a world in which everyone has access to clean, safe water, forever. You can read more about our work in Kenya on our project pages.
Photo credits: Brian Otieno, WSUP